Duck and Friends: The Dinosaur Bones
Meet Duck — a clever, resourceful farmer — and his best friends, Hen and Cat. When Duck reads a book about fossils, he invites his friends to come with him on a dinosaur dig. It turns out that digging up the bones is the easy part. Back at the farm, the other animals aren’t too sure they really want a T-Rex skeleton in the barn… Written for beginning readers, this silly, fast-paced adventure takes unexpected twists and turns. “Duck and Friends: The Dinosaur Bones” is a tale sure to be enjoyed again and again. Suggested reading level: 1st-2nd grade.
Available on Amazon in paperback & kindle. Click here.
Duck and Friends: The Computer Chase
When Cat complains that his laptop is too slow, Duck installs new software, promising to make the computer run fast. Much to his surprise, the laptop sprouts arms and legs, jumps off of Cat’s desk and runs away…
Available on Amazon in paperback and kindle editions. Click here.

Duck and Friends: Bots in a Box
When Duck has too much to do on his farm, he gets some Bots to help him. It doesn’t go quite the way he planned…
Available on Amazon in paperback and kindle editions. Click here.

Duck and Friends Go Into Orbit
All Duck wanted was to escape his fog on his farm. But when Duck and his best friends Hen and Cat drove to Pine Dale to visit the Spruce Goose, things took a turn for the silly!
Available on Amazon in paperback and kindle editions. Click here.

Duck and Friends: Bigfoot’s Birthday
Bigfoot is turning 500 and Duck, Hen and Cat are invited to the party! But the party is far, far away. Who should Duck leave in charge of his farm? If you know Duck, you know things are about to get very silly!
Available on Amazon in paperback and kindle editions. Click here.
Pato y sus amigos: los huesos de dinosaurio
Conoce a Pato -un granjero ingenioso e inteligente- y a sus mejores amigos Gato y Gallina. Cuando Pato lee un libro sobre fósiles, invita a sus amigos a excavar huesos de dinosaurio. Al parecer, excavar en busca de los huesos es la parte fácil. De regreso a la granja, los otros animales no están muy seguros de querer el esqueleto de un Tiranosaurio Rex en el granero…
Escrito para lectores principiantes, esta ingenua y rápida aventura tiene giros inesperados. Las ilustraciones de Kim Sponaugle capturan perfectamente a estos adorables animales. Pato y sus amigos: los huesos de dinosaurio es un cuento que puede disfrutarse una y otra vez.
Disponible en Amazon en edición en papel y ebook. Haga clic aquí.